Stop Garnishments

Do you feel like you’re buried under a mountain of debt? Are your wages being garnished? Have creditors been harassing you to pay what you owe? Bankruptcy can be the means to bring that all to an end.

The decision to declare bankruptcy isn’t one that should be made lightly, but if you want to stop garnishments, collections and harassment, filing is worthy of consideration. The experienced bankruptcy attorneys at the Law Office of Davis & Jones, P.C., can help you explore your debt relief options and find the best solution for your financial problems. Schedule a free consultation to learn how our legal team can help you get a fresh financial start.

Bankruptcy Stops Creditors from Taking Action

Filing a bankruptcy case in Utah is an effective way to stop garnishments and all other creditor collection actions. This is due to an injunction called the automatic stay, which goes into effect immediately when you file a Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy case. 

Once the automatic stay kicks in, your creditors won’t be legally allowed to make telephone calls or send you collection letters, emails or texts. Nor can they continue garnishing your wages, as garnishments are collection actions. If your debt is for pastdue child support or alimony, Chapter 13 is likely your better option.

With a Chapter 13 bankruptcy, you can get current with your domestic support obligations and other debts by committing to a three- to fiveyear repayment plan. Make the required payments, and you’ll stop garnishments and collections permanently. With a Chapter 7 bankruptcy case, any creditor can resume garnishing your wages if the debt you owe isn’t discharged.

How to Quickly Stop Garnishments & Collections

When you file a bankruptcy case, the Utah court may take a week or longer to send out a notification to your creditors. Without more, the wage garnishments and collection actions won’t stop. If you’ve been dealing with constant creditor harassment, you’ll need to notify these creditors faster.

An experienced bankruptcy attorney can stop garnishments, collections and harassment much more quickly by simply calling the creditors directly with your case information as soon as the case is filed. Once your creditors have been given the details of your bankruptcy case, all the collection efforts must cease immediately. If a creditor keeps garnishing your wages, tries to collect on their debt or hounds you for payment after learning that you filed for bankruptcy, they’ll be in violation of the automatic stay. In that case, an attorney can hold them accountable in court for their actions.

Talk to a Qualified Lawyer to Regain Financial Control

Life is stressful enough. If you’re overburdened with debt, you don’t want to be dealing with wage garnishments, collections and creditor harassment. Turn to the Law Office of Davis & Jones, P.C., and you can find peace. We’ll help bring your financial troubles to an end. 

Our bankruptcy lawyers offer free consultations to Utah residents in need of debt relief. Contact our Salt Lake City or St. George office and schedule a meeting to discuss how we can permanently stop garnishments, collections and harassment through a Chapter 13 bankruptcy filing today.