Is Hiring a Bankruptcy Attorney Necessary in Utah?

bankruptcy attorney Salt Lake City

The short answer is no, you don’t have to hire a bankruptcy attorney – but you may be better off with a Salt Lake City legal professional in your corner.

In the state of Utah and throughout the United States, debtors are legally entitled to file for Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 without assistance from a bankruptcy attorney. And if money is tight, forgoing legal representation and filing as a pro se debtor may seem to be a good plan. But before you go that route, you’d be wise to give the matter careful thought.

While filing for Utah bankruptcy on your own means not having to pay attorney fees, cost isn’t the only consideration. Statistics show that pro se bankruptcy filers have a much lower success rate than individuals who have legal representation – and if your case is dismissed without a discharge, you won’t obtain the debt relief you need. Here, we take a closer look at why hiring a bankruptcy attorney is highly recommended.

Why Working With a Bankruptcy Attorney Is in Your Best Interests

Turn your case over to an experienced bankruptcy attorney, and you can avoid legal headaches and future financial woes. If you truly want to put your debt problems behind you, you should hire an attorney.

Pursuing Bankruptcy

Is filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy the right decision? Would you be better off with a Chapter 13 claim? Should you try negotiating with your creditors first? Get advice from a Salt Lake City bankruptcy attorney, and you’ll know how to move forward.

Bankruptcy Law

Do you know the rules and procedures of the Utah bankruptcy court? Are you familiar with the required forms and schedules? File as a pro se debtor, and you’ll need to figure everything out yourself. Make a mistake, and your case could be dismissed.

Bankruptcy Process

How much do you know about the steps to getting a bankruptcy discharge? An experienced legal professional can guide you through the process, ensuring that you don’t miss any deadlines and keeping you informed about what comes next.

Bankruptcy Problems

Are you prepared to respond if a creditor objects to the discharge of a debt? Do you know what to do if the bankruptcy trustee alleges that you’ve committed fraud? A skilled Salt Lake City bankruptcy attorney can handle any issue that may arise.

How Much Will a Bankruptcy Attorney Charge?

Most legal professionals charge a flat fee for bankruptcy cases, and the amount is typically based upon the complexity of the claim. Extra work, such as fighting an objection to discharge, may involve an additional fee. The cost of hiring a bankruptcy attorney can be a few thousand dollars, and the time when payment is due depends upon the type of filing.

If yours is a Chapter 7 claim, you can expect to pay your bankruptcy attorney fees in full ahead of time, before the case is filed. The reason? If you have a balance due at the time of filing, it would be discharged – and your lawyer wouldn’t get paid.

With a Chapter 13 case, most bankruptcy attorneys don’t require full payment at the start. You’ll likely be asked to pay a portion of your attorney fees before filing, and the remainder will be included in your repayment plan.

How Working With a Bankruptcy Attorney Benefits You

Hire a seasoned Salt Lake City bankruptcy attorney, and you’ll have the peace of mind in knowing that you’ll have expert help with every aspect of your case. As such, you stand a very strong chance of getting freedom from your financial burdens. Here’s a look at what a qualified legal professional can do for you.

Debt Relief Advice

  • Explain all of the options for regaining your financial stability and offer an opinion as to whether bankruptcy is the best choice
  • Help you analyze the merits and drawbacks of Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 claims in light of your individual circumstances

Preparatory Measures

  • Apply the means test to determine if your current financial situation qualifies you for a Chapter 7 bankruptcy filing
  • Use the Utah bankruptcy exemptions to their fullest extent, protecting as much of your property as possible
  • Assist you in accurately valuing your motor vehicle, household goods and other assets on your bankruptcy petition
  • Review your bankruptcy schedules to make sure that all of your dischargeable debts are included in your claim

Case Considerations

  • Complete all of the necessary documents for your case, ensuring that none of the required forms are missing
  • Guide you through every step of the bankruptcy process, advising you on the actions you need to take
  • Deal with any creditors who violate the automatic stay or object to the discharge of a debt
  • Negotiate payment terms with a secured creditor, allowing you to keep your house or car

Get Expert Legal Assistance at a Price You Can Afford

If you’re overburdened with debt, hiring an experienced Salt Lake City bankruptcy attorney might seem to be out of the question. Fortunately, that isn’t the case.

The legal team at the Law Office of Davis & Jones, P.C., led by Lee J. Davis and Tony G. Jones, has successfully handled over 20,000 bankruptcy cases. We’ve been helping Utah residents down the road to debt relief since 1995, and our bankruptcy attorneys are ready to provide you with a fresh financial start.

With us, you can count on affordable rates and flexible payment solutions – we’ll work with you to find an option that doesn’t strain your budget. At the Law Office of Davis & Jones, P.C., we want debt relief to be in everyone’s reach. For a free, no-obligation with a highly skilled bankruptcy attorney in Salt Lake City, contact us today.