Should You Hire a Bankruptcy Lawyer or a Petition Preparer?

Alternatives to bankruptcy lawyers in Utah

Many people who file for Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 do so with the assistance of an experienced bankruptcy lawyer. Some people choose to work with a petition preparer instead.

What is the right move to make? To answer that question, you’ll need to consider the scope of services each type of professional provides. Read through the following to help you determine whether hiring a bankruptcy attorney or petition preparer is a better plan.

Benefits of Hiring a Bankruptcy Lawyer

An experienced bankruptcy lawyer can assist you with every step of your Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 filing. With an attorney on your side, you’ll have:

  • An educated opinion on whether or not you should file for bankruptcy
  • Guidance in choosing the right type of bankruptcy filing for your personal situation
  • Assistance in putting together your list of assets, exemptions and financials
  • Legal professionals completing and promptly filing the necessary paperwork with the court – from beginning to end
  • The peace of mind in knowing that you have expert representation with every filing and at every Trustee meeting, or Court hearing

Limitations in Working With a Petition Preparer

Petition preparers are sometimes referred to as typing services, which gives you a pretty good idea of their scope of work. Under your direction, these professionals can fill out the forms you need to file a Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 petition. Filing in blank spaces – or basic document preparation is all they do. Petition preparers are not legally allowed to offer advice on applicable laws or the bankruptcy filing process.

Choose to work with a petition preparer instead of a bankruptcy lawyer, and you’ll have to:

  • Decide on your own if filing for bankruptcy is in your best interests – and, if so, which type of case you should file
  • Determine which debts to list, the value of your assets and how to effectively use property exemptions
  • File your own documents and represent yourself in bankruptcy court, acting as your own attorney, and defending yourself against the Trustee and creditors

Schedule a Free Bankruptcy Lawyer Consultation

Hiring a petition preparer instead of a bankruptcy lawyer may cost less, but as the saying goes, you get what you pay for. Almost anyone can type up basic paperwork for a Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 case. There are no educational requirements or tests to pass to provide typing services.

In contrast, an experienced legal professional – like the team at the Law Office of Davis & Jones, P.C. — can handle every aspect of your case. You’ll have help navigating the entire bankruptcy filing process, making it much easier to get down the road to debt relief without unnecessary bumps or accidents. We can also help you evaluate other Utah debt relief options that may be available or appropriate for your needs.

Ready for a fresh financial start? Contact the Law Office of Davis & Jones, P.C., in Salt Lake City, Utah, and schedule a free bankruptcy lawyer consultation today.